DicomObjects Reference
DicomObjects Reference / DicomConnection Object / SendData Method
One or more datasets, to be returned to the requesting application, each describing a single successful match.
The status associated with the above data, indicating the level of matching achieved.
In This Topic
    SendData Method
    In This Topic
    Send a DicomDataSets object listing results of a C-FIND query
    Visual Basic
    Public Sub SendData( _
       ByVal Data As Object, _
       ByVal Status As Long _
    One or more datasets, to be returned to the requesting application, each describing a single successful match.
    The status associated with the above data, indicating the level of matching achieved.

    The data returned by this method is sent to the requesting application as a series of C-FIND responses, each with the status indicated.  Once all matches have been returned, a final SendStatus call should be made to terminate the list.
    As the status for all returned matches must be “Pending”, only the values 0xFF00 and 0xFF01 are allowed for Status, the meanings being as follows:

    0xFF00 : “Optional Keys were supported in the same manner as Required Keys”
    0xFF01 : “Warning that one or more Optional Keys were not supported for existence and/or matching for this Identifier”

    Unless other operations are pending, this method returns immediately, and the data is sent to the remote application entity asynchronously.  An ActionComplete event is generated once data transmission has been completed.
    If errors occur during transmission, they are reported via the DicomServer’s InfoMessage event procedure.

    See Also