Controls whether to change UIDs when sending compressed images
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
PublicProperty ChangeLossyUIDs AsBoolean
There are times when the negotiated transfer syntaxes for a DicomConnection require a previously uncompressed (or losslessly compressed) image to be transmitted in a lossy form. Although the DICOM standard is not entirely clear, most people believe that a new instance UID should be generated whenever this happens. This is the normal DicomObjects behaviour, and a reference to the original UID is included in the referenced image sequence. However, some query SCUs having requested a specific image by it’s UID fail to look in the referenced image sequence and reject images with UIDs other than those they had requested. The default value of this property is true, but if set to false, then images sent via SendImages or SendModifiedImages which undergo lossy compression will not have new UIDs allocated.