DICOM Composite Instance Retrieve Without Bulk Data is supported by DicomObjects and it’s simple to implement.
It is possible to choose which outgoing interface to use when making an outgoing DICOM association using code such as below:
Sample code for general purpose colour/opacity adjustment.
The result might not good good on particular data because this is intended purely for demonstration purposes!
Since labels on images were introduced in the very early days of DicomObjects, the facilities and flexibility for their display have been extended considerably, both for “specific”
Directly importing compressed data into DICOM is possible by the SetCompressedPixelFile method which maps an external file as the compressed pixel data of that DicomImage instance.
Out of the many label types available in DicomObjects.NET, LabelType.Image can be used to directly reference a System.Drawing.Image object (jpg, png, bmp, etc) and to be rendered as a DicomLabel on the viewer.