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DICOM Error and Warning Codes

Below is a list of common DICOM Error/Warning Codes (not necessarily a complete list):

Basic Film Box

A Basic Film Box is a Normalised Instance which represents a particular sheet of film to be created during Printing as requested by the SCU.

Normalised Instance

lilatac Normalised objects are like Composite Objects in that they persist from one operation to another (normally in an SCP) but unlike Composite Objects, they only make sense in the context of other objects around them.

Service Class Roles

All DICOM network communications occur between an SCP and an SCU


As association is the DICOM term for a network connection between two applications, one of which is the Service Class User (SCU - client) and the other is the Service Class Provider (SCP - server).

Basic DICOM Operations

DICOM services use a limited number of basic DICOM operations (officially called DIMSE operations), all of which are of course supported by DicomObjects.